If God says you matter…

then so do we!

Your Story Matters!

Everyone at Rhythm is on a journey. No matter your past, we believe that you have a future and a hope. At Rhythm, we see people from all walks of life find a sense of purpose, belonging and feel safe to be themselves. We believe in fostering healthy relationships in the pursuit of unity, love and peace while discovering the goodness of God.

It is our view, that grace is God’s ability (and unmerited favour) to become all that He has for you. Additionally, as you find your God-intended rhythm, the weights and the consequences of our choices that so often cause pain in our lives, will eventually be a thing of the past. So you are invited to come as you are.

We truly believe that your story matters, and that you matter for such a time as this. We want to see you empowered into walking in freedom and in the purpose God has for you. You do have significance, and because God believes that about you, so do we. Every person who comes to Rhythm is valued and given dignity, because that’s what Jesus did. Often it takes others to believe this about us before we do. As we walk out this faith journey together, we will endeavour to always point you to Jesus and seek to see the best in every situation.

It is our goal, that as a gathering of people, each on their own journey, that you will find safety at Rhythm, to be you! While some people can unintentionally say things that cause pain in our world, our belief is that is we serve a gentle, kind, patient and loving God, then that is how we should treat others as well… warts and all.

It is the goal and culture of our leadership team, that you encounter grace, not judgement; love, not criticism; empathy, not isolation. Ultimately, the Jesus in all of us.

Your story really does matter and your supply matters to make up the whole. Together, we form a God story for our city, into our world!


To know Jesus is truly life-changing.

Discovering what it means to have Jesus at the centre of our life releases a sense of purpose for our being. Enquire about attending an Alpha Course or a Find Your Rhythm course today!

Your supply makes a difference.

Inside each of us are God-given gifts that help each other. By being on our Dream Team, you get to share the gifts and build up the local church for Kingdom purpose. Ask how you can make a difference today.

Find community & you find life.

Each of us, no matter how old, are created to connect with each other. We build each other up, we strengthen each other when we do life together. Attending a life group & church regularly makes such a difference in our spiritual growth, but also to others around us. 

Put God first!

When we live generously by putting God first, incredible things happen. Let’s make the faith step to prioritise our finances for God and Kingdom purpose. Watch and see how our world gets larger through our generosity.

Find Faith

At Rhythm, we believe that God has ALWAYS been good. His plan from the very beginning has been good. Through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we have been set free from the burden of our sin and are now free to walk in the grace that God has given us through Jesus Christ. Faith comes from believing that Jesus Christ is the fulfilment of every law, that he paid the ultimate price for our sin so we are now free to come and know the love of God the Father. 

Faith is understanding that this grace is a gift from God and comes to us through Jesus Christ. “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this is not from yourselves, it is a gift from God – not by works, so that no one can boast” – Ephesians 2:8-9 (NIV)

When we accept Jesus Christ as our Saviour, we are stepping into an identity of freedom and grace, where we can learn to follow the example of Jesus in how we are to live and love those around us. Everywhere Jesus went, he went about doing GOOD and healing ALL who were sick and oppressed by the devil (Acts 10:38). It is through our faith in Jesus Christ that we can spread hope and love to our world!

Alpha Course

Alpha is a short, guided course that we partner with that explores the fundamentals of Christian faith and aims to answer some of the deep questions you may have about faith, life and purpose. We provide a space where you can meet with other believers on their own journey of faith and openly discuss your thoughts or questions about Christianity in a safe and guided discussion. 

Alpha aims to answer questions like: How do I read my bible? How do I pray? Does God still heal today? How can I have faith? Is there more to life than this? Who is Jesus Christ? Who is the Holy Spirit?

If you would like to know more about Alpha or participate in the conversation, speak to one of our hosting team on a Sunday, or keep an eye out for registration opening in the near future. 

Water Baptisms

Baptism is an integral part of our Christian faith, and we believe that it is a public declaration of an inward transformation that takes place when a person gives their life to Jesus, declaring that He is their Lord and Saviour. 

It’s important to note that baptism does not equal salvation, and it does not make you a believer, but publicly shows that you already are through your faith in Jesus Christ. 

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this is not from yourselves, it is a gift from God – not by works, so that no one can boast” – Ephesians 2:8-9 (NIV)

Water baptism is a symbolic act that a believer partakes in to demonstrate they identify with the death and resurrection of Jesus; by entering the waters, they identify with his death to sin and as they arise from the water, they are washed clean and made whole again. 

If you would like to find out more information about water baptisms, please register your information below. 

Baby Dedications

Here at Rhythm, we believe that the decision to be water baptised is a personal choice to be made as an adult, so we don’t baptise our children when they are young. 

Instead, Baby and Child Dedications are a ceremony where parents make a commitment to raise their child according to Christian values and beliefs. It is typically done within one of our Sunday services and involves our Pastors and church praying over each family as they dedicate their life to the Lord. This ceremony is a way for parents to publicly and powerfully declare their faith and commitment to raising their child in a Christian home. 

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