Rhythm Connect Groups

Home Connects 

As Rhythm Church continues to grow, we see more connect groups mushrooming across our growing city of AURA. 


Currently in recess, we are looking for people wanting to lead / host a connect group in Baringa.


Our WhatsApp community for Rhythm Church is an active place for a variety of connections. Prayer Connects, Worship Connects and general church community connection is fostered and nurtured in this safe church only environment.


2nd & 4th Thursday – 10am
Robert & Lesley Thompson
Halcyon Nirimba


Community Connects

Ladies Connect

Usually the 1st & 3rd Tuesday at the Rhythm Hub, Ps Kathy leads the ladies through a devotion and study of the word around significance, worth and value. 

Once a term, there is a gathering of ladies for ministry, worship and connection. Details aremade available for these opportunities.

Mens Connect

From Saturday breakfasts to BBQ dinners to activities, Men in Rhythm is coordinated to work around the busy schedule men have. Usually a gathering every 6-8 weeks. 

Fishing Connect

Periodically (and depending on the moon ;)), a group of avid fisherpeople come together to connect and hang around rods and tackle. More info connect with Dan & Sam during one of our church services. 

Aura Meal Exchange

Tough times call for connectedness in our community. Through partnering with our community, we strongly believe in fostering an environment of homemade dinners, pantry giveaways and community services.  More info at the Aura Meal Exchange FB group.

Homeless Dinners

Rhythm values partnerships. Each Monday evening, a group from Rhythm collectively work with Hope within Reach to provide dinners and connection and chaplaincy support to the disadvantaged at Cotton Tree Park, Maroochydore. 

Global Missions Connect

Due to the nature of some of the areas where some international missionaries are located, we keep sensitive infomation withheld. Each month, our church brings a focus to a variety of missions groups.

Attend a Connect Group

Rhythm Espresso
4/1 Packer Road, Baringa
Monday – Friday:
5:30am – 1:30pm


Rhythm Church Services
Sports Drive, Nirimba
Sundays 9:30am


Rhythm Offices & Food Hub
3/1 Packer Road, Baringa
Tuesdays, Thursday & Friday: